In JUST SEVEN DAYS, YOU TRIMmed ALL THE UNNECESSARY STUFF FROM YOUR spending, SO YOU now HAVE THE MONEY (and focus!) you need to make your next big goal happen!


Get your copy and get started this week!


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Meet the Author

Hey there! I’m Sarah. In my adult life I've always leaned toward minimalism… but not the kind of minimalism where I don't spend on anything. That's not what the concept means to me. I believe minimalism should empower you to spend boldly on what matters to you. Living like this can feel extremely abundant, regardless of if the actual cost is low.

Some of the things the Budget Detox has helped me accomplish are: taking a month-long trip to Paris, an option of extending my maternity leave, paying off my husband’s $189,000 student loan, just to name a few.

My biggest hope is that this process will help you create a life that includes the environment and experiences YOU want most!